Crime & Punishment

Poster Design, PBDS 640 Design Principles & Strategies

A theatrical poster for the advertisement of a play adapted from the original classic novel. My objective was to use an image that would work to illustrate the character's mental and spiritual depravity as a result of the actions that he committed mixed with an abstract execution.


“The title of the novel was the first main element manipulated in order to introduce and emphasize the idea of a shattering soul; a person coming to grips with the unfortunate but resulting reality of his actions.”

“After piercing a hole through the printed page and cutting it out, a photograph of the image was taken with the phone and opened in Photoshop with the intention of clearing the white background. The last image seen on the right is what it became instead. The end result was completely accidental but it turned out to exceed what I originally envisioned.”


Expressive Mediums


Here I am...